Important Considerations When Deciding Where You Want Your Pool Built

Important Considerations When Deciding Where You Want Your Pool Built
December 14, 2016 sdcpm
Pools Start To Finish

Building a pool is an exciting way to create a fun and engaging place to relax during the summer. However, before you invest in one, you need to understand the various considerations which will affect where your pool will be located.

Local Restrictions Will Apply

Most towns and states have a variety of zoning and building laws that restrict where you can build a pool. For example, there are often restrictions on the slope of your yard. A good pool needs to have a run-off area which slopes away from your home to avoid damage to your foundation.

Talk to your local zoning board or commission as soon as possible to ensure you aren’t breaking any rules.

Location Of Various Home Items

There are multiple items outside of your home that will dictate where your pool can be installed. Just a few include:

  • Electrical lines: overhanging electrical wires are a serious danger for a pool
  • Underground gas lines: running into these lines can cause an explosion
  • Cable and internet lines: many cable and internet lines run under the ground and piercing them when building a pool can cost thousands of dollars
  • Property lines: proper zoning must be done to ensure that you are building on your property and not on that of your neighbor

The latter point might seem silly, but it’s very relevant. Zoning mistakes could cause your pool to end up partially built on your neighbor’s land, which could cause a serious dispute.

To learn more about pool location and construction, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.


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