It’s the middle of winter and depending on where you live, those cold storms and blizzards may be really ramping up. Unless your pool is heated or indoors (maybe not even then), taking a dip is usually the farthest idea from most pool owners’ minds during this time. With this in mind, some pool owners fail to properly prepare and service their pools before and during the off-season. Some may even ask: do I really need to perform pool maintenance if it’s not going to be used for a few months?
The answer is yes!
Covered Pool = Clean Pool
Cover your pool! Without a cover, plenty of different things can find their way into your pool: sticks, snow, and whatever the wind can blow or whatever can move on its own. Leaving things sitting in stagnant water is always a sure way to create a costly mess, not to mention how any additional liquid from snow or rain can dilute the chemicals you may be using to keep your pool clean. So make sure you not only cover your pool but that the cover fits your pool’s opening completely and securely.
Avoid Burst Pipes
If your pool is in-ground, you’ll want to make sure your pool’s pipes are emptied so that they don’t burst. The same way a burst pipe in a house can cause serious structural damage, the same is true for your pool. It may seem like an extra step, but it is one you do not want to leave out. The process of digging up the ground above your pool’s pipes, then actually doing the work to repair those pipes is a costly and time-consuming affair that no pool owner wants to experience.
Protect Your Pool, Protect Your Wallet
Even though your pool isn’t in use, taking some time to service it will protect both your pool from extensive damages and your wallet from costly repairs. Maybe you’ve closed your pool for the winter, but you missed a step. Maybe you haven’t attempted to shut it down at all! Whatever the case is, contact us at Alan Jackson Pools today. With professional, quality service at affordable rates, we’ll help you keep your pool healthy!