What Is the Gunning Technique?
Gunning is a technique for constructing concrete swimming pools. It makes it possible to obtain a very solid and waterproof structure for a high-end in-ground swimming pool. Shotcrete, sprayed concrete, allows for great freedom with the shape of your pool. The gunning technique involves sending concrete under high pressure using a cannon while the concrete is sprayed on a wire mesh. The walls and the base of the swimming pool are made at the same time. With this technique, the risk of air pockets forming is avoided, and the structure of the pool is perfectly homogeneous.
Why Use the Gunning Technique?
The gunning technique is ideal for free-form or complex pools, with rounded corners, curves, islands, etc. Indeed, you can give the reinforcement the shape of your choice. Concrete can be sprayed dry or wet. The difference between these two techniques depends on when the water is introduced into the concrete. For the wet shotcrete method, the concrete is directly mixed with water and sprayed. For the dry shotcrete method, water is added at the last moment at the end of the lance where the dry concrete mixture is sprayed. In all cases, the gunning technique requires calling in a professional. You cannot make your shotcrete pool yourself. It is moreover a more expensive technique than the others.
The gunning is done all at once. In general, 4 to 6 hours of projection is sufficient for an average size swimming pool. The hull thus obtained, weighing several tens of tons, is perfectly homogeneous. Thanks to the dry spraying of concrete, and therefore the small amount of water mixed with the concrete, the risk of cracks caused by traditional methods when the concrete is shrinking is therefore non-existent.
Contact us as soon as possible and ask for more information from our concrete pool specialists. If you dream of a free-form swimming pool, don’t hesitate to choose the must-have in pool construction: shotcrete with the gunning technique.