Your Pool Construction Time-Line

Your Pool Construction Time-Line
November 16, 2017 sdcpm
Your Pool Construction Time-Line

When it comes to having a pool constructed on your property, it’s always good to know what you’re in store for. Construction can take a bit of time, but there’s no reason to stress out over the process. We’ve put together a list of the steps it takes to construct your pool below.



Once the plan for your pool has been decided on and the layout set, the excavation begins. This is the messiest part of the process, as it entails the removal of a lot of dirt and rock. Wooden support beams are set up to hold the form and it’s best if you don’t touch these boards or enter the pool’s pit while it is being excavated.


Steel Construction

Once excavated, the steel supports are set in place. These are the rods that will hold the form of the gunite once it is poured. This grid is set without the steps in place at first, but no worries, those will be added later. Please note that the steel can be sharp, so its best not to touch.



The next step is putting in the plumbing. Drains, filters, and piping are put in place so that it will all be within the structure of the pool. The final equipment is set up after the pool is poured and set.



The gunite is then poured. Gunite is a mixture of sand, rock, and cement that creates the body of your pool. Curing of the gunite takes approximately five days, with the gunite needing to be watered three times a day. This is possibly the longest stretch of the construction, as it seems like nothing is getting done. However, if the pool doesn’t cure properly, then structural failure is possible.


Tile and Coping

Once the gunite has cured, the tile you have chosen can be set. This process also takes a couple days, as it has to be hand-laid and grouted. Once set, however, your pool is nearing completion.



This point that the decking is put in place if it is part of your design. Depending on the kind of deck you want, it may take several days to lay in place. Often, concrete needs to be poured in this process.


Electrical and Gas

All utilities (such as lighting and pumps) are set up after the deck is constructed. The pool equipment can also be installed during other parts of the construction but is generally finalized at the completion of the decking.


Clean Up

The mess that has been made during construction is now cleaned up and plants that were moved will be put back in their place. You won’t need to worry about track marks or extra trash in your yard, as it will be returned to how it was before the process was started.


Interior Surface

The final step is the installation of the pool’s interior surface. A professional surfacing crew will install the surface that you chose, and once completed your pool can be filled with water. Don’t forget to brush down your pool twice a day for at least two weeks after the pool has been filled for the first time, as its integral for the surface’s proper maintenance in the beginning.


Building a pool doesn’t have to be a stressful occasion. Once you know what you’re in for, it can be an exciting time. If you’re wanting a pool added to your yard, feel free to contact us and we’ll talk over your options with you!


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