When you think of destroying pool equipment, you probably think that you’d have to make a pretty major mistake to do any significant amount of damage. But the truth is that sometimes the most simple mistakes are the ones that can lead to the most damage. A lot of this has to do with your regular routine. Bad habits can ultimately lead to your pool equipment’s early demise. Let’s take a look at some common mistakes that could destroy your pool equipment.
Chlorine tabs are highly concentrated and acidic. Their chemistry is designed to dissolve slowly throughout your pool in order to keep the water clean. One of most common mistakes that pool owners make is putting these tabs directly into the skimmer. If these are left in the skimmer with the pump off, they will continue to dissolve, filling everything with chlorine. Then when the pump is turned on again, it will suck several gallons of highly concentrated chlorine into your pump, heater, and filter. This will eventually eat your pipes and your pool equipment from the inside out.
The pump creates a powerful force that pushes and pulls water through the plumbing into the filter and then back into the pool again. It’s very important to make sure that all valves are wide open before you start the pump. If you start the pump with closed valves, or even if you close the valves while the pump is running, it can have detrimental effects. It will cause something known as a water hammer effect. This is both destructive and dangerous.
Water Heater
Many people invest in water heaters for their pools and then don’t ever give them a second thought again. Water heater damage is usually a very gradual and subtle process that most people are completely unaware of. One thing you can do to protect your water heater is to keep it covered when your pool is not in use. This will keep it from gathering moisture and rusting, as well as prevent insects and rodents from nesting inside of it.
All of these issues can end up costing you a lot of time and money. Please contact us at Alan Jackson Pools to learn more about some common mistakes that could destroy your pool equipment.