While summer is officially over, it is never too late to start thinking about adding a pool to your backyard. In fact, fall is one of the best times of the year to have a pool installed, as there are many unique benefits that homeowners stand to gain by beginning the process of building a pool in the fall. If the heat this summer left you wishing that you had a pool on your property to escape to, here are just a few of the reasons you should consider having a pool installed this fall.
Save Money in Fall
One of the main reasons to consider having your pool installed in the fall is that you may be able to save money by doing so. For many pool builders, spring and summer are the peak seasons for pool installation, and then business may start to drop in the fall since most people are no longer thinking about whether or not they want a pool. You may then be able to take advantage of this off-season, as some pool builders will offer discounts and incentives in the fall to keep business steady.
Your Yard Will Have Time to Recover
Something many homeowners do not think about is the impact that pool construction can have on their landscaping. However, once your pool is completed, there will be a sizable portion of your yard that was dug up that will need to grow back. If you have your pool installed in spring, your backyard vegetation may still look underwhelming when you start throwing pool parties in the summer. Having your pool installed in the fall will give your landscaping plenty of time to recover and grow back before summer arrives.
Your Pool Will be Ready Next Summer
By starting your pool build now, this will ensure that you will be able to maximize swimming time when next summer arrives. If you wait until spring to begin the installation, you may find that delays such as an unusually wet spring could put your pool build behind schedule, preventing it from being ready for the peak summer season. However, starting the build now will provide more than enough time to ensure that your pool is ready when summer arrives.
Contact us to learn more about the benefits of fall pool installation as well as to find out about having a pool built on your property.