If you want to keep your pool sparkling and beautiful even between professional pool service, you might not have to work as hard as you think.
Everyone wants a clean and gleaming pool in their backyard, but some pool owners don’t want to do any of the regular upkeep. While we understand the apprehension and aversion when a professional service can do it for you, truth be told, regular home maintenance will extend the life of your pool and save you money.
To help you along, here are three easy tips that you can perform on your pool in between your regular pool service visits.
Skim and Clean Baskets: As simple and effective as your daily swimming laps, a little skimming goes a long way. Add to that some basket clean out, and your pool will stay beautiful every day.
Vacuum and Brush: Run the pool vacuum along the bottom of the pool every week or so to remove accumulated debris and leaves. Then, to complete the job, grab the brush and clean the walls and tiles.
Clean the Filter: Keeping the filter clean is important to a pool’s health. What’s more important, though, is to not over clean it or clean it too soon. Use your pressure gauge as a sign of maintenance. A difference of 10 to 15 pounds is an indicator that your filter needs to be cleaned.
Pool maintenance isn’t as difficult or time-consuming as you might suspect. With pools, it’s more about keeping a schedule rather than heavy-lifting.
For more information on how we can help you with all of your pool service needs, please contact us today.
Alan Jackson Pools is an established, innovative swimming pool and spa installation company. Our customers find that our staff and crews are easy to work with and exceed their expectations of delivering their personal backyard retreat.